Statistical assistance

Best possible statistical analysis of your research data is performed and provided as a statistical report. The report includes the interpretation of your data for assisting in understanding and identifying the novelty in your research data.

Plagiarism check

Unintentional representation of unmodified phrases from peer articles can lead to plagiarism alert in the journals. Our service helps you to identify and modify the phrases and improve the quality of your scientific publication.

Editing services

Research articles are often rejected due to their inability to describe the results in a concise and reader-friendly manner. To overcome this, we provide three levels of editing services, customized to make your article free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and phrasing of sentences.

  • Level 1-Copyediting
    Your content is scrutinized and made free from common grammatical and punctuation errors by copyediting.
  • Level 2-Advanced editing
    Sentences of the content are rephrased for better scientific output and improved quality of the research article.

Artwork support

Since journal guidelines are specific in terms of image size and clarity, we provide graphical assistance to customize the images of your research work. This improves your academic work and gives better perspective to the research.

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Other Products

  • Article offprints(On high quality paper)
  • Article poster

For subscriptions & Other products, please contact printjbms@healthminds.in