Dr. Amani Azizalrahman
Pediatric Emergency Consultant at King Fahad Medical City (KFMC)
Chairperson of Undergraduate Simulation at Center for Research Education and Simulation Enhanced Training (CRESENT) in KFMC
Chairperson of the Advertisement and publicity at Saudi Society for Simulation in Healthcare SSSH
An organizer of the volunteer group in the pediatric residency program (Cheerful Children Cain)
Simulation Pediatric emergency fellowship director since March 2018 till the present time
Pediatric Emergency Fellowship Program Director till Dec 2020
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) instructor
Examiner at the Saudi Council for Health Specialties
founder of the PASS Course in CRESENT, FDSIM-Advance Debriefing course (simulation courses)
A graduated from the KFMC pediatric residency program then pediatric emergency fellowship, pediatric emergency Fellowship at Sickkids, Toronto, 2013. Simulation fellowship at University of Calgary, Alberta Children Hospital, KIDSIM Pediatric Simulation, 2014.
Speaker in several conferences regionally and internationally, focusing in Pediatric emergency medicine such as ICEM 2021 June, BEM 2019, ESEM2019, EMERGENCY MEDICINE CONFERENCE Global Health Exhibition 2019, Respiratory Care Symposium on November 2018, 2nd Pediatric emergency crash course,10th PEDIATRIC PULMONARY COURSE2018, SASEM2019, SASEM2020, SASEM18.
Head of scientific committee of the announce The Saudi Society of Simulation Scientific Assembly 2, member of scientific committee in couple of conferences, All Levels Trauma Care International Conference ( SASEM track Nov 6-7, 2021, SASEM2020 virtual (23,24), SASEM2018, 1st virtual international pediatric conference (VMA 25 Nov- 30 nov 2020), 2nd virtual international pediatric conference (VMA 15 Nov- 19 Nov 2021), Emirates Society of Emergency Medicine (ESEM)2020 (pediatric track, 20th International Conference on Emergency Medicine (ICEM21) June 2021.
-Speaker in several conferences regionally and internationally, focusing in medical simulation such as in IMSH2014, IMSH2016, W21C SIMposium in Calgary 2014, simulation summit Toronto2014, 1st Saudi Health Simulation Conference workshop 2015, Princess Nourah bint Mohamed bin Saud Al Saud, Nov2017, Saudi Health Simulation Conference workshops 2018, Saudi Health Simulation Conference workshops. Board members in the scientific committee in conferences such as SASEM2018.