Dr. Nisreen Maghraby
Nisreen Maghraby
Dr. Nisreen Hamza Maghraby graduated from the Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Canada as an Emergency Medicine Specialist. Completed a two-year
fellowship in Trauma & Disaster Management at McGill University.
Dr. Nisreen holds two master’s degrees from McGill University. A Master of Arts
(Education Psychology / Health Profession stream) & a Master’s in Management
(International Masters for Health Leadership).
She is the Founder of the ED ECMO Team the 1st to our knowledge in the kingdom
in addition to the EM Sim Team at KFHU/Alkhobar, which is an active team that provides
education sessions via simulation for undergrad, postgrad & faculty members
(Multidisciplinary in situ simulations). She is also the Founder & Former Chairperson of
the Emergency & Disaster Preparedness Unit at King Fahd University Hospital, Al-Khobar.
Currently, Dr. Nisreen is an Assistant Professor & Consultant in EM/Trauma &
Disaster Management at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (IAU). She was recently
appointed as the Chairperson of the Simulation & Clinical Skill Center at the college of
Medicine/IAU. In addition she is the Chairperson for the EM Saudi Board Exam
Committee at Saudi Commission for Health Specialties.
She is an active National/International speaker & has joined several conference
scientific Committees. She is an Editor for the Saudi Journal of Emergency Medicine, an
international, peer-reviewed Journal & the Eurasian Journal of Emergency Medicine, an
open access, scientific publication of the Emergency Medicine Physicians Association of
Her academic interests are Trauma, Health care facilities Disaster Preparedness,
Medical Education/Simulation, Faculty Development & Research.