Dr. Naser Mansoor

<p>Specialist Emergency Medicine</p>

Dr Naser Mansoor is a specialist in emergency medicine working in the emergency department of Salmanyia medical Complex in the Kingdom of Bahrain. He is double board certified in emergency medicine from the Arab Board Of Medical Specialties as well as the European Board Of Emergency Medicine. In addition to his clinical and teaching work he has a special interest in Motorsports medicine and Disaster Medicine. He maintains the position of Deputy Chief Medical Officer for the Bahrain Grand Prix and has been involved in training of international medical teams for the FIA. He has held the position of the focal point for the WHO for disaster preparedness from 2012 until 2017, during which he has been involved in evaluation of disaster preparedness for the member countries of WHO. He also holds the post of training lead for the EM residency program in Salmanyia Medical Complex. Currently he has been elected as the general secretary for the Bahrain Association of Emergency Medicine for the session of 2018-22.