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Case Reports

Multiple Supernumerary Teeth In A Non-Syndromic Child-A Case Report

Injood Hamad AlMuhanadi1 , Omar Saleh Mustafa2

Pages: 1-4
  • Abstract
  • Full-Text PDF
  • Supernumerary teeth (ST) are a prevalent multifactorial dental anomaly. Although most ST cases are idiopathic, multiple ST can be linked to genetic disorders and may appear in many syndromes. A healthy 8-year-old female had retained deciduous maxillary incisors, which was the parents' main concern. On clinical and radiographic examination, the patient had multiple unerupted ST. The patient underwent comprehensive dental treatment by multidisciplinary dental specialties. The case discussion underpins the importance of early diagnosis of ST and early treatment to ensure a favorable outcome and results.

    Keywords: Tooth, Supernumerary, Tooth Abnormalities, Tooth Diseases, supernumerary teeth.